Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Case Against Santa - Adult Eyes Only!

OK. Yes, It is a shameless trick. I AM hoping the "Adult Eyes Only" comment would increase my hit count. The point of my innuendo was that I will be speaking honestly about Santa and perhaps a Santa-believing child might not wish to hear this. Therefore proceed with caution.

First off, let me establish that my family loves Santa. We have tree ornaments that are of Santa and usually watch any Christmas cartoons that include Santa, especially Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and my girls have recently taken a picture with Santa. But, like Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph, my wife and I have made a point of explaining to our girls that Santa is a fairy tale. Now, before all of the Civil Conservative readers fall on the floor from shock, let me give my best explanation at why I'm willing to rip this exciting fantasy away from my kids. Hopefully, I can present a compelling case for any parents to consider.

I will focus my case towards those readers who have Faith in God. Although I will note that even atheists can argue the point that we should not teach our children that Santa is real, my argument is based on those who wish to nurture and strengthen your child's Faith. For any of you who are from the South Bay and believe you're a big deal, walking through the Del Amo mall some Christmas season will tell you that many countries have different variations on Santa Claus. What is generally understood in the US about Santa is mainly through popular songs. Santa has a list of all children that he checks twice - the nice list and the naughty list. Those on the nice list get presents, while those on the naughty list get coal in their stockings or nothing. These lists are created of course, due to his ever-watchful eyes. He knows if you've been bad or good, so you'd better be good for goodness sake. At supernatural speeds, he goes to every house in the world to deliver presents to children based on his lists. To any of those who are Christian, this role may sound a bit familiar to you. Well, like God actually. That is what God does. We believe that He is the One who watches you at all places at all times, and assesses your behavior and rewards you for your deeds. What's important to note is that even if a parent does not explain to their child each of these Godly characteristics and connects them to Santa, by merely playing the game that he exists is tacit approval of this portrayal of Santa that is taught to the children through our culture.

As a matter of full disclosure, I was taught about Santa. In fact, my mom still gives me presents from Santa. Indeed, I am not warped (despite what Trishee might say) by it, nor have I lost my Faith in the Almighty. I concede this point to show that I'm not making an exaggerated point but a subtle one. I do not believe that children who are told Santa is real will be screwed up, they will survive. Please know that I understand this. I do not contend this being a make or break decision to their happiness. But I do believe that Faith is a very fragile thing and this tender time of innocence is a fertile ground for planting seeds of Faith that make deep roots. Any one who has children can clearly see the purity of their souls. To maintain this purity, they require clarity on a real, but intangible & invisible God. How to see His beauty in nature, how to feel His leadership directing them, and how to hear His subtle call when the distractions are very loud need strong Faith.

Oh, the test we would have given them to reveal that Mommy and Daddy have lied to them year after year. Each year our lies becoming more elaborate to outsmart their challenging questions. I believe this would affect their trust in us, albeit in an unconscious way. I would be concerned that this fun is jading their ability to trust an unseen Santa-like figure who is watching their lives looking for their correct behavior? When they grow up and get out into the mainstream world and are told that God is a Fairy Tale just like Santa Claus, will this have any traction with them due to our attempts to mislead them? or will they have the proper foundation from which to answer?

I am very aware this is a counter-cultural idea, as I've viewed many peoples' astounded faces when I have told them of this decision my wife and I have made. As such, please do not hold back and give me your two cents on this issue. Is there any validity to this position? Or am I harming our kids by not allowing them to fully experience Christmas?

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Great Halloween Debate

My wife and I had a discussion, err - debate, err - argument regarding trick or treating this Halloween and I'd like to write about it and seek advice from the Civil Conservative readers (both of you!) to help settle this debate. You see, we have two daughters, 6 and 5 year olds, and my wife and I took them out trick or treating this year. The question up for debate was what time is it appropriate to take them out?

My position was that since they are so young, an earlier time would be better for them. One of them is afraid of the dark and the other I believe would be at least uncomfortable in the dark. So, this passed year, we took the girls out at 5 o'clock by my suggestion for an early trick or treat. (In order to get a clear idea, this is still during daylight savings time and sunset was at 6:01pm that night.) My vision of going early was to be heading back home once it got dark. Also, the younger girl gets tired easily and would be asking for me to carry her all the way home, if we didn't go out early.

My wife's position was that this was much too early to go out. She felt that we should at least wait until the sun goes down. She pointed to the facts that 1. there were NO other kids trick or treating at this time and 2. her own experience growing up proved this to be too early. Not only did she view it as too early, but in addition she expressed that such an early trick or treat time was rude to our neighbors. Many of whom weren't even home, and most of those we did see had to shuffle to get ready, stating "You're here early!"

Please comment and add your two cents to this issue. I'm sure there are parents our there with kids our age that can speak on this topic who have come to a solution. Even if you don't have kids, I'd like to hear from you too.

Here's a picture of my girls the "princess fairy" and cheerleader with a neighborhood friend. It also better reveals the time of day.

If you're wondering, Superbaby (Mikey) slept through most of the evening, probably from a busy day saving everyone: