In keeping with the Civil Conservative two-part series on the Obama Presidency and what it means for America, this post will outline the negative side of his election and administration. May I suggest and remind any liberals who are reading this post who might be sensitive to criticism of Obama, especially before he even gets into office, to view the post entitled "The Obama Presidency - The Good". Hopefully, consideration of both posts would provide a comprehensive perspective on my positions, and therefore allowing both sides to be heard more clearly.
Before any discussion of what impact an Obama Presidency would have on three major issues, a huge factor that must be discussed and plays a role in every issue - Barack is an unknown quantity. While 53% were inspired to vote for him, most are not clear exactly where he stands on the issues (of course other than "change"), even two months after being elected. I do understand that all politicians make conflicting statements in attempts to be all things to all people. This is a terrible thing in itself, when the pursuit should be the clarity of ideas not the confusion of ideas. Unfortunately, we allow and even expect our politicians to send different messages to different groups in order to get elected. However, their record on big issues can provide insight to their true beliefs; those same beliefs they spend a good amount of time attempting to make cloudy. Very often, the decisions made at a time when a person is not campaigning, reveal more about a candidate than campaign promises. Sadly this is the state of politics, especially when voters are disinterested.
To compound this problem, Barack Obama is set apart from most politicians in that he does not have much of a record to look back on in order to gain a clear view of how he would govern. Since he 1. speaks as artfully as any politician's ever had evading stands that could be limiting his appeal, 2. has been a US Senator for only 2 years before running for President and 3. had opted not to be put on record by voting 'present' on many controversial votes while in the Illinois state senate. These three points disallow us from having a good understand where he stands. So, with each issue I layout, please keep in mind that he is a wild card on each one, which can be a cause for great uncomfort to all.
I will make only a few short points on three issues that could make his an unsuccessful presidency. Other than the issue of Innocent Life which is always extremely important and of which he has an abismal record, the three issues that are most timely are foreign policy, the economy, and energy policy, which I believe he has shown at best dangerous ignorance, at worst a dangerous ideology.
Obama's foreign policy has not been very well explained other we should to act in a way that other countries will not resent us. He first obtained national attention from the anti-war American Left in 2002, while a member of the Illinois senate, by opposing the effort to go to war with Iraq. I do wish to state I find this a very fine position to take, if you believe the evidence doesn't justify such a risk. However, many of those who were in a position of responsibility and better information in the United States Senate on both sides of the isle, including such prominant Democrats such as Hillary, Biden, Kerry and Edwards found Obama's viewpoint a position too risky to vote for. On top of this decision, when the war was not progressing well, he called for a 16 month time table for withdrawl. As we know now, if this would have been acted on when he called for it, the world would be a much more dangerous place, and we wouldn't be at the doorstep of relative peace in Iraq. While this position of his made for a better run to the presidency by exciting the Left and the youth, it reveals him as a bit more careless and naive in terms of how to address the world.
In addition, he has made uninformed and downright irresponsible positions on our relationship with rogue countries ("I would"), and seemed completely uninformed on the Georgia Russia conflict, as he held both the victim and aggressor as equally blame worthy, looking for both sides to stop fighting. Sadly, attempts to have other countries view us as fair make likely expose the country to danger. In fact, his positions have been so dangerously naive, his VP and Secretary of State ("I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience he will bring to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002,") selections have felt it important to call him on the carpet in most serious ways.
During the primaries, he hasn't offered any compelling insight on the economy. Frankly, he is often too busy discussing what the government can do for you, rather than how the private sector can do for you. This leads to the charge of Socialism. Where one draws the line of socialism in this day and age is debatable. What can be said is that his commitment towards Global Warming, a type of Universal Health Care, and increasing taxes on the richest 1% (or put another way, the most productive 1%) compounded by having a very strong Democratic congress, will create very large obstacles for the free market's attempt to bring this country back to prosperity. Keep in mind: the government does not generate any wealth, private business give people jobs through innovation within the rules the government makes. Could the rules that an Obama administration create make innovation more difficult?
I had planned to issue a blog solely about the third issue, energy. Hopefully this daddy of three will have time to publish that piece, so I will keep this point brief. This is an extremely important small window of time in history when gas prices are cheap. Once the world recession recovers, those prices will be a distant memory and we will see $4 a gallon again, even worse. So we have a little breathing room to focus on the solution. Obviously, the situation cannot be fixed within the next year, however a foundation can be laid for weening us off the oil of volatile nations while also doing all things necessary to get our economy back to its typical world-leading strength. There is NO ONE who believes that we can have a successful economy when the only energy we use is wind, solar and currently undeveloped clean coal energy, yet this is what Obama is pushing for. He has often portrayed "Big Oil" as an enemy to the US and for the most part has disagreed with create more of our own oil, talked of the coal industry going out of business, and has stated that nuclear is not a viably safe option. With these positions, Obama has revealed that being Green nation is more important than being prosperous nation.
I had planned to issue a blog solely about the third issue, energy. Hopefully this daddy of three will have time to publish that piece, so I will keep this point brief. This is an extremely important small window of time in history when gas prices are cheap. Once the world recession recovers, those prices will be a distant memory and we will see $4 a gallon again, even worse. So we have a little breathing room to focus on the solution. Obviously, the situation cannot be fixed within the next year, however a foundation can be laid for weening us off the oil of volatile nations while also doing all things necessary to get our economy back to its typical world-leading strength. There is NO ONE who believes that we can have a successful economy when the only energy we use is wind, solar and currently undeveloped clean coal energy, yet this is what Obama is pushing for. He has often portrayed "Big Oil" as an enemy to the US and for the most part has disagreed with create more of our own oil, talked of the coal industry going out of business, and has stated that nuclear is not a viably safe option. With these positions, Obama has revealed that being Green nation is more important than being prosperous nation.
This tri-fecta of ignorance will likely dog Obama's presidency, and could put us in a worse place than we are today. In light of these points, I think it confused and unfair to compare Barack to Lincoln & FDR, it appears he is more similar to Carter. But I will keep an open mind. Perhaps that unknown factor I spoke of earlier could mean he'll abandon his promises on these issues once he has responsibility on his shoulders.
I hope that we can become both a Green and prosperous nation and ween ourselves off any oil, including domestic oil. As you said, this won't happen overnight, but renewable energy and no reliance on foreign oil has been promised to us by many a President of the years. I believe that bold steps need to be taken to make that happen. Whether Obama will work out what those steps are and will be able to take them, well that remains to be seen. I do think that Obama has made his positions clear on many things, but I do agree that there were some conflicting messages sent out during the campaign, as there also were from McCain. But I think that he's made a lot of positions clear on a lot of different issues. Personally, I'm all in favor of full Universal Healthcare, like they have back in England, and I'm all for taxing the richest 1% a little bit more. (But hey, I'm a liberal!) Deregulation doesn't seem to have helped us with our current economic situation and I really don't feel any money trickling down into my bank account these days. Perhaps it's time for a new approach. Personally, I'm tired of right vs. left, Republican vs. Democrat, I just hope for an approach that works, one that takes into account all viewpoints and that produces results that we can all agree on. Hopefully that's what Obama will accomplish in the next 4 - 8 years. I'm just ready for some bold moves to get this country back on track and into a bright future, but we'll have to wait and see if that's what happens. Something has got to happen.