"miracles do not happen simply by accident", says the Great One regarding His latest act of Supreme Authority as He moves His hand to create a miracle. On March 9, 2009 President Barack Obama authorized federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Mark these words: this is a tragic step that will cement his record as creating a poor foundation for human rights. This is "genie out of the bottle" stuff. At the Civil Conservative, I hope to do only one thing - clarify misconceptions about the embryonic stem cell issue.
1. There is no one who is against Stem Cell research.
This is the research that has had dramatic breakthroughs and is very close to making Embryonic Stem Cell research unnecessary. Stem cells can be found in cord blood and bone marrow. The controversy is about Embryonic Stem Cell research, which is taking the fertilized egg, dissecting it amongst its cells and cloning them. The process kills the fertilized egg. There have been no "medical miracles" from this procedure, only the audacity to hope that by killing millions of eggs, there might be a benefit.
2. GW Bush did not have a ban on Embryonic Stem Cell research. It has been completely legal.
What was banned is federal funding of Embryonic Stem Cell research, meaning we wouldn't pay for this grizzly research. Unlike the statements you may have heard about the religious imposing their values, here is an example of the Leftist Utilitarians have imposed their will on the religious by forcing us to take part in this carnage that violently goes against our conscience.3. Sadly this is an issue that takes deeper thought than most are willing to engage in, including the intellectual President.
Today he stated "we will ensure that our government never opens the door to the use of cloning for human reproduction. It is dangerous, profoundly wrong, and has no place in our society, or any society." Please do remember that stem cell research is cloning. So, while he is forcing us to contribute to destroying human life in order to clone and test it, the concept of putting these clones parts together ("for human reproduction") is where he draws the line. On what basis does he say this is wrong? Certainly not God, as that line has been crossed. Somehow he is under the belief that killing human life is OK, but creating it is not. His argument will not hold weight once we get to that point.
4. The question of when life begins is "above [his] paygrade".
If he was being truthful with this point, the last thing he should want to do is to err on the side of killing human life without knowing the facts. Simply because he can state "it is a difficult and delicate balance" does not mean that he has done the work to understand the issue. Life is SCIENTIFICALLY (not religiously) defined as an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction. Under this definition, human life begins at conception. Perhaps the intellectual President should research a dictionary.